Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Past 2

So, the past two days have been...interesting to say the least. A sushi outing with Gianina and Brian is always fun. It's been pretty eventful, some good, some bad. But here are a couple of things I've learned over the past two days:

1.I need to start playing basketball again.

2.Waiting for someone on AIM never leads to anything good.

3.Gianina REALLY does dance like a white girl.

4.iPods are ruthless in the worst times.

5.I can't take Morgan Freeman seriously when he cusses.

6.I need to visit Eagle Rock soon. VERY SOON

7.Hanging out with MC JJ B FAG is no different in West Co.

8.Anne Roco can't use Mapquest

9.Azusa Ave. is WAY too long.

Currently Listening to: Just Friends- Musiq Soulchild -_- (Keep in mind that the damn iPod's on Shuffle)

-Magic Mike


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