Sunday, June 8, 2008


So tomorrow is the big day for all of us. Tomorrow we all walk down that aisle and take the next step towards the rest of our lives....No we are not getting married lol. its called graduating people and as of tomorrow each of us will graduate from high school. Its funny how long I have been wanting to graduate from high school yet now that its just under 24 hours away I'm getting so extremely nervous. I mean for goodness sakes, none of us know what life is gonna be like without going to high school everyday, but what im more nervous about is making a fool of myself at graduation. I have a habit of making a fool of myself pretty much every day of my entire life, lets just hope it doesnt happen tomorrow as well. haha but im sure after its all over we will all be relieved that we are done with the mandatory schooling in the United States. So sleep tights tonight kids because it is the last night that we will have before a day of high school. Smile wide everyone because we have all made it.


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